Home Education

Giving Children Autonomy

I try to let my children live their lives as autonomously as possible. Sometimes we have to step in for their health or safety but generally they choose their own way forward.

What happens when they choose something you don’t want?

Anna is adamant that she wants to go to school, as I mentioned in a previous post. She does not want to accept substitutes. She wants school.

It goes against everything I believe to tell her no. But, there’s always a but, there is no quicker way for a child to lose their autonomy than to be enrolled at school. The dilemma here is huge!

We are going along with what she wants. We have to let her go to school. If it turns out to be not what she expected, then she’s free to come back to home education. There is no final decision, nothing is forever.

She has chosen a school and is going along for a taster day on Friday. If she wants to, she’ll then start full time on Monday morning. She is so excited by it all, she wearing the school uniform today just for the hell of it.

I’ll let you know how it all pans out!

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