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Ten Rainy Day Activities

rainy-dayWhether you’re at home or on holiday, these ten activity suggestions will see you through any rainy day.


1: Puddle Jumping
Who doesn’t love to get their wellies on and jump in puddles? The muddier, the better, in our opinion. A rainy day is by far the best time for this adventure.

“Some people feel the rain, others just get wet.” – Bob Marley

2: Woodland Walk
Again, get your wellies on and head out. Watch the rain as it hits the trees, pools on the leaves, and then unleashes a freezing flow of water onto your head. Walk in the muddiest places you can find, and feel the ground squelch beneath your feet.

“Rain is confetti from the sky.”

3: The Beach
You don’t need the sun to enjoy the beach. Writing your name in the sand is much easier when it’s wet, as is building sand castles. Who needs a snowman when you can have a sandman?!

“A rainy day at the beach is better than a sunny day at the office.”

4: Sledging
You definitely don’t have to wait for the white stuff for this one. A wet grassy hill is just as good as snow when it comes to sledging.

“Don’t be angry with the rain, it simply does not know how to fall upwards.” – Vladimir Nabokov

5: Water Fight
Your ammo is right there, and readily available. The heavier the rain, the more fun the water fight. Why waste a good opportunity? You could even up the ante with some water balloons.

“Those that say only sunshine brings happiness have never danced in the rain.”

6: Mini Beast Hunt
Have you ever noticed that the snails, slugs, and worms all emerge when it’s raining. Collect them, count them, or simply look at them. Move a large stone or two and you’ll find more mini beasts than you’ll know what to do with.

“Rain makes everything beautiful.”

7: Build a Shelter
Can you make it waterproof? Start with fallen branches and cover with all the twigs and fallen foliage you can find. Hide in your weather proof shelter and enjoy a hot chocolate from the flask you prepared at home. Better yet (as long as it’s legal where you are), find the rare dry logs and make a campfire!

“Without rain, nothing would grow.”

8: Visit a Castle
Or any other outdoor venue. You’ll have the run of the place as nobody else will venture out in the rain. This goes for theme parks too – it’s amazing how many people won’t go if the forecast is not good.

“To enjoy the rainbow, first enjoy the rain.” – Paulo Coelho

9: Forage for Food
There are plenty of goodies still to be harvested from nature in the wetter months. Make sure you are certain of what you are picking, and don’t eat it is there is the slightest doubt in your mind. Crab apples are usually a safe bet, and you can find recipes online that will even make them taste nice!

“No rain, no flowers.”

10: Feed the Ducks
Bread is not good for ducks, so make sure you have actual duck feed and then head to your local duck gathering place. They will be very grateful of your visit as it’s slim pickings when the weather turns.

I like people who smile when it’s raining.”


Apologies if you were looking for ways to avoid the rain, but that’s just not something we do. It rains far too often in the UK to avoid it, instead we embrace it. Kit your family out with warm waterproofs and boots, and you are good to go for a great day out. After all, do you know anybody that shrinks in the rain?!

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